A Letter from your TMCC President

Submitted by Miles Sasser

Dear Timbergrove Manor,

By the time you are reading this letter, I hope that our neighborhood, as well as the City of Houston and the nation, are slowly coming back to normalcy. As of late April, federal and state guidelines have been issued to slowly bring the nation back from the extreme social distancing measures that have been undertaken to stop the spread of COVID-19. It is clear, however, that the effect of this pandemic will be long-lasting and devastating to many.

I want to personally thank those in our neighborhood who are working on the front lines in our hospitals and doctor’s offices, first responders, medical research and other health-care related facilities, fighting to treat patients and stop this virus, all while putting themselves at risk. We owe you a great deal of gratitude. I also want to recognize the many small business owners in our neighborhood, both restaurants and retail, that are really feeling the economic effect of this pandemic. The TMCC Board is committed to help advertise and organize to get people back out to patronize the many establishments we love once it is safe to do so. There are also many of us that may be able to continue to work, albeit remotely, but the isolation at home, the difficulty of dealing with school and daycare closures, and the economic stress of an energy crisis that always hits Houston especially hard are nonetheless daunting.

Given all of this, it is so amazing all that this neighborhood has done for each other. I have personally witnessed neighbors stopping their cars or while out walking and asking (from a safe distance!) whether their fellow neighbors need any support or help. It is amazing to see how, in a time of great personal strain, our neighborhood has come together to give assistance where it is needed.

I want to make you all aware of some of the actions that have been undertaken in Timbergrove Manor. First and foremost we have had to cancel the May General Meeting. The TMCC Board is continuing to conduct virtual meetings monthly, so please reach out with any concerns. Our annual Easter Egg Hunt was canceled as a result of social distancing restrictions. However, thanks to the generosity and hard work of Elizabeth McCormick, Heights Mobil and students of The HUB Houston, we will be moving the egg hunt to our Independence Day Ice Cream Social currently planned for the afternoon of July 4th. Check for information from your Block Captain for updates.

Also, please be aware that we have a list of restaurants offering delivery and take-out service. This list is constantly updated, so please check it frequently. Also, as retail businesses are able to reopen or offer curbside service, and as the possibility of restaurants and other establishments opening their doors becomes closer to reality, we will look to broaden the list to include additional events and specials to help our neighborhood establishments get back on their feet.

As we continue through this year, your best resource will be your Block Captain to dispense additional information from the TMCC Board to you. In addition, do not hesitate to reach out to me with concerns, needs, announcements, or any ideas for action.

Please keep yourself, your family, and your neighborhood safe.

Miles Sasser

President, TMCC