Take a Bird Field Trip in Timbergrove

Submitted by Laura Bradham, Friends of W. 11th Street Park

The Birdbrain at West 11th Street Park wants you to know that the Beaks of the Month for our most recent months are:

Northern Mockingbird

The August 2021 “Beak of the Month” Northern Mockingbird

The August 2021 “Beak of the Month” Northern Mockingbird

Northern Cardinal

The September 2021 “Beak of the Month”: Norther Cardinal

The September 2021 “Beak of the Month”: Norther Cardinal

Come by the park for a Bird Walk in the Forest on Tuesdays at 8:00 a.m. and the First Thursday of the Month at 5:30 p.m., and let’s spot some of them together!

Even though summer is winding down, you could take a Summer “Bird Field Trip” right here in the neighborhood!

Starting at the park, take W. 11th Street west to Ella and take a right on Ella. Go north on Ella and take a left on Cindy Lane (Cindy Lane is the first street north of Sinclair Elementary). Go down the 6500 block of Cindy until you reach the power line easement. Look up at the power line towers to see HUGE nests.  Those nests are home to Timbergrove Manor’s feral Monk Parakeet population! They “squawk” as the fly. They are a brilliant green with smooth, round heads, which is why they are called “monk” parakeets. They are active all day long and are beautiful to see on a sunny summer day! While you are looking up, you may see a Red Tailed Hawk, a Red Shouldered Hawk, or even a Cooper’s Hawk out hunting the grass below the power line towers. Perhaps you will see a Yellow Crowned Night Heron perched on the ground below the power line towers if it’s recently rained.