2017 Crime Review

by the Timbergrove Manor Security Committee

When the residents of Timbergrove Manor banded together to bring private security patrols to the streets of the neighborhood in 2015, burglary rates were continuing an unnerving pattern of steady, slow increase. That year, more than 22 home burglary incidents were reported to local law enforcement from within sections 5 - 14 of Timbergrove Manor.

Together, thanks to generous donor support, the Timbergrove Manor Civic Club (TMCC) engaged S.E.A.L. Security Solutions to patrol the streets of the neighborhood for 40+ hours weekly. Since then, burglary in our community has decreased to a record low. In 2017, there were only seven burglaries reported - a 68% reduction!

While correlation certainly is not causation, one thing is clear: burglaries in Timbergrove Manor have dramatically decreased since private security patrols were implemented and we want to see that trend continue.

While we're proud of the success made in reducing burglary within our boundaries, it's now important to turn an eye toward other types of offenses that have troubled our community.

Following a 2016 peak of 12 incidents, auto theft dropped to only nine occurrences in 2017. While we're pleased with this 25% year-over-year reduction, that's still nine auto thefts too many!

But the real rub in 2017 was a noticeable uptick in thefts which jumped to 41 incidents - the highest level by a fair measure since 2013. Based on the time thefts were reported to HPD, including those of vehicles, most occurred during overnight hours.

In response to this pattern, some S.E.A.L. patrols have been diverted to overnight shifts. And, thanks to the generosity of TMCC donors who gave above and beyond the suggested donation amounts, we were even able to add additional night time patrols for portions of 2017.

We were very pleased to see a striking reduction in thefts during the fourth quarter when we ran overnight Private Security Patrols more frequently.

Now it's more critical than ever that we don't give up any ground in our fight against crime in Timbergrove Manor.Become a TMCC private security subscriber today at timbergrove.org/neighborhoodsecurity. Subscribers enjoy benefits including vacation watch, personalized home security assessments, and alarm system response. And remember, if you see something suspicious, call the SEAL Security hotline at (832) 956-1966.