Generous Volunteers Continue to Make West 11th Street Park a Lush Preserve

Submitted by Friends of West 11th Street Park

We would like to take a moment to extend special thanks to our neighbor and super-volunteer Ross Hancock. Ross’s help over the past year has been invaluable. Ross has rebuilt the Adopt A Park sign on the east side of the park. He has done light maintenance on the trails including cleaning the culverts when needed. He has also at times let us know when dog bags have needed to be refilled. All of this, and more, he has done without once being asked. So please join us in giving Ross a big thanks. And if you see him out on the trail, please say hi. 

And in saying thanks, we would like to especially thank longtime Friends of West 11th Street Park Director Wallace Ward. Wally is responsible for the planting and maintenance of the verdant butterfly garden at the southeast corner of the Park. Already loads of native wildflower seeds Wally recently planted are blooming and attracting droves of pollinators to the area. If you enjoy the garden, give him thanks. It wouldn’t happen without him. 

Please welcome our newest Board members, Brett Sellers and Laura Bradham. Though Brett has recently moved from Timbergrove Manor, she was a longtime resident and organizer for the Free Forest School group that meets in the park. (Please note: the Free Forest School is currently on hiatus due to pandemic-related concerns.) Brett’s willingness to serve is most welcome. Laura, a familiar face and name to Timbergrove residents, is an avid birder and is looking forward to organizing tours of the park for experienced and novice bird-watchers alike as soon as Friends of West 11th Street Park resumes post-pandemic events in our pocket wilderness. Brett and Laura join our current board members Jim Chambers, Robert Delgado, Jennifer Vickers, Wallace Ward, Michelle Colvard, and Peter Davies in their volunteer efforts to maintain and care for the Park. 

As many Timbergrove residents have noticed, the Park has been even more popular than usual as Houstonians look for new outdoor spaces to explore. While it’s exciting to see so many new and familiar faces exploring the trails and taking advantage of the Wireless Wilderness Tour, we’ve also had an uptick in complaints regarding off-leash dogs. While it’s tempting to visit the park with your four-legged friend to let them burn off some energy, please keep in mind that all dogs must be leashed at all times in City parks. This rule helps make sure the park remains an enjoyable respite for ALL visitors and minimizes abandoned dog waste in the Park. So, please, leash your pets at all times, and remember to pick up after them. That is why we provide bags on each side of the park. 

Another effect of the increased visitors to the Park over the past year is a bit more wear and tear on the trails. Friends of West 11th Street Park are making plans for needed maintenance to ensure the trail system remains in good shape, but your support is needed. If you’d like to be added to our mailing list to receive future notifications for volunteer opportunities please drop us a line! To offer your financial support to Friends of West 11th Street Park you can either add a donation with your TMCC annual dues or visit

See you in the Park!