Cancelled Events & Meetings

Dear Timbergrove Manor,

I hope that you and your family are doing well and staying safe during the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak, and that you have headed all warning to minimize social contact. I have communicated with the TMCC Board via email, and given CDC and Harris County guidance, as well as feedback from Elizabeth McCormick, it is in the community’s interest that we cancel the Easter Egg Hunt planned for March 28. Elizabeth has graciously offered to sponsor the 4th of July Ice Cream Social instead, and we plan to re-schedule the Easter Egg Hunt to be held during the July 4 event with candy donated by Heights Mobil. Details of the July 4 event will be communicated at a later date and in keeping with the any updated guidelines.

Block Captains- If there is anything needed at this time, please encourage residents to reach out to you, or the Board. In a time where the most vulnerable among us may be unable to reach the grocery store or pharmacy for basic human needs, there are many in the neighborhood ready to help. My personal number is (832) 779-3460 and my email is I would be happy to provide any essential supply’s that residents may need if they feel unsafe going out and purchasing on their own. If I am unable to provide, I will make sure I find someone to help.

March 24 Board Meeting: Given current Harris County restrictions, all restaurants must close to in-house diners effective for 15 days from Tuesday, March 17. The Board has planned to hold a conference call that evening in lieu of the regular meeting at Rainbow Lodge. For the May general meeting, we will continue to follow CDC and Harris County guidelines and provide guidance as needed at a future date.
Further, many of our favorite local establishments have been forced to alter their menus and hours in order to comply with the Harris County and Houston City regulations. Check out this featured post for local restaurants offering special to-go options. Please send any additional to so they can be added.

If you are a Committee Chair hosting any event, I encourage you to postpone it consistent with CDC guidelines which restricts meetings and gatherings over 10 people.

Please stay safe.

Miles Sasser
President, TMCC