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Update from Jaycee Park

Update from Jaycee Park

by Darlene Wayt

08/13/2015 Update: The Jaycee Park CIPBall Field Lighting Project plans have been permitted, a meeting has been held with the Job Order Contracting Team, lead time for equipment is 12 weeks, some demolition activity may begin in late October with a completion target date of the end of 2015.  Click before for greater detail:

Jaycee Park Site Plan Aug 2015

07/01/2015 Original Post:

Regarding the Jaycee Park Ball Field Lighting CIP Project, per the Project Manager, during the next eight weeks, documents and a design set will be submitted to Permits and pricing and cost estimates will be developed by the Job Order Contract contractor resulting in a permit, a final proposal and a work order by late August.  Lead time for equipment takes about twelve weeks.  Demolition may begin in late October with the entire project expected to be completed by the end of the year.  Super Neighborhood Council 14 will continue to follow up.  Look for more info in the September Timbergram and monitor, and FB Jaycee Park for updates and a design when made available by the Project Manager.

Regarding the small tennis court shelter, pricing for reroofing and replacing the wood for the seating will occur at the same time as the pricing for the lighting project.

This fall the TMCC board will decide whether or not to fund the porto-potty units for 2016 and, of course, a big factor in that decision will be whether or not the TMCC has the funds.  For 2015, TMCC funding was possible largely because of the designated donation of $3,000 from Silver Eagle Distributors solicited by CM Cohen.  However, the total cost was $3,487.35 for the porto-potty units, mandatory liability insurance and the HPARD deposit.  The expected total cost for 2016 is $3,217.42.  The TMCC needs a donor or designated donations from residents.   If you think this park amenity has been beneficial or you are affiliated with a business or sports group that uses the park and therefore has a stake in keeping the park clean and safe, the TMCC needs your help.  TMCC designated donations may be paid online at; mailed in to POB 70977 Houston, TX  77270-0977; turned in at TMCC meetings, events or to your block captain.  Contributions to the TMCC, a 501 (c) (4), are NOT deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

Reminder: The TMCC took this on because of complaints from many of you that the park had no facilities and residents were being bothered in various ways by park users needing a restroom.  The Houston Parks & Recreation Department declined to provide these units in spite of numerous requests over a two year period from CM Cohen, the TMCC and the SNC-14.  Houston Parks Board also declined to help with this particular issue.

As of this printing, designated donations have been made to the TMCC by DeWalch Technologies, Inc. and Jeff & Darlene Wayt.